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"Most People" Motivational Article/Video For The Minority

Alt-"Most People" Motivational  Article/Video For The Minority
 If you truly want more out of life, chances are you are not really going to fit in anywhere. I mean really fit, in because the majority of people settle for average and if you don’t drop down to their level, there’s going to be conflict. They won’t like the fact that you are committed to your dream because it reminds them that they gave up on theirs. One of the biggest reasons most people don’t follow through with their dream life is fear that they will be left out if they achieve it, this may be conscious or unconscious but most people give up not because they can’t make it, not because they aren’t capable but because; they are surrounded by people who have settled, people who don’t want to see you succeed because it will remind them that they didn’t which might lead them to start saying; you’ve changed since you became successful. Not knowing or understanding that your goal was always to change, to develop, to re-invent yourself, you will hear ridiculous comments like: “successful people are greedy” or “there is more to life than money”. Of course there’s more to life than money, there’s also more to life than struggling to pay bills and put food on the table. So much negativity towards the successful! And the sad part is they will never be successful with this mentality.
      You ask 99% of successful people how they achieved their dream life?  I can assure you the story will be the same; they worked harder than the majority, they kept going when the majority gave up, they suffered through failure but made sure that was not the end, rather a lesson learned. They went through hell but always focused on the end goal. Sadly; most people would rather argue for their limitations than know there are no limitations, most people would rather hate on the successful than learn from them or model them, most people would rather pick up a beer rather than a book and start complaining that they are in a dead end job or complain that they got laid off from their job. But if they made the right decision earlier on! They wouldn’t have to clean up their bad decisions later on!
       Most people would rather party now and suffer later; maybe that’s why most people are not where they want to be, maybe that’s why most people complain, maybe that’s why most people live with regrets, all because they refuse to leave their comfort zone which is their worst enemy. If you are the most people, commit right now to becoming the minority, set your goals right now, don’t you waste another moment of your life, find a mentor in a book or a person and learn from them; model them, develop your mind, re-invest your, make a commitment to be different, make a commitment to never give up on your goals (your dream) .
      Your future self is begging you to make that commitment now, your future self is begging you to stick it out.

You can also watch the video here  
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You can make it through the storm

Your worst enemy

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Unknown said…
This is so true! I completely agree with you. The more unique we are, the better it is. :) Thanks for sharing this.